The route No. 14 will be extended on 1st August 1998. The new part of the line is 2 km long from Káposztásmegyer, Szilas-patak to Káposztásmegyer, Megyeri út with 4 new stations and a new endstation. This extension makes the opportunity to use the tram line for the people on the housing estate 'Káposztásmegyer II.'. The new endstation has a single track with the lenght for two 3T5C5 vehicles. After the open also the bus lines No. 124 and 126 will change. No. 124 runs in the opposite direction around 'Káposztásmegyer I.'. No. 126 runs also in the opposite direction around 'Káposztásmegyer II.' and uses the Farkaserdõ utca instead of the Külsõ-Szilágyi út.
In 1999 will be ready the new endstation of the route 56 in Hûvösvölgy. There will be a new double-track head-station instead of the present loop-line. Around the new station will be located also the new bus station. The art relic station building will be rebuilt at the new location. After the open probably the bus line No. 56 and 56E will change too.
A new shopping center is going up at the place of the tram loop-line on the Örs vezér tere station (route 13). In 1998 there will be a temporary head-station but the designer minds the planned connection to the route 62 in 1999.